Get the Job before getting the Job!

As you may know the job selection begins way before the actual interview. You're selected once your step foot through the door. Now of course experience may come into effect but lets not be counted out before you even step into the process. What I'm saying is let your look be so undeniable that all you have to do is kill the interview.

Research is most important! Research the lifestyle of the company. Look for the actual dress code and look the part. If you're interviewing for a store such as Buckle it would make no sense to wear a suit because that isn't apart of their lifestyle. Even stores like Lacoste wearing a polo and slacks maybe best, why? Because if you look like you already work there then you are putting yourself in the position before you even get it.

My best advice is to make sure you can fit into that lifestyle first. If you can sell to a job how you are already apart of the lifestyle without having the position, then you've already become a top candidate. Step one is selling yourself! Only then can you sell an actual item.

Brands such as Neiman Marcus, Brooks Brothers, Tiffany & Co., and Saks prefer a more traditional/ formal tailored look so black, gray, navy suit as shown. These suits are also great for corporate/ administrative positions.

More Business Casual and relaxed retailers such as Lacoste, Polo Ralph Lauren, J. Crew, and Banana Republic would prefer you to be more casual with looks like below..

I put the first two looks together to give you an idea of how to do it but not over do it. When it comes time to show your true style go for it. Don't over accessorize or play too many colors, play it safe and traditional. If you have any questions or would like to know how to dress to an interview please feel free to contact me via email. Thanks a bunch! 
